Organisations Accreditation

Training Organisations Accreditation

EAC helps your company expand in the current market by giving you the certification you need to be successful in the training industry.

Levels Type Description
Level 1 Silver Accreditation Training Organisations has Accredited only one or two Skills.
Level 2 Golden Accreditation Training Organisations has Accredited two to five Skills.
Level 3 Diamond Accreditation Training Organisations has Accredited more than five skills.

Training Organisations Accreditation process


  • The training organisation applies for certification by declaring which skill card/job role they plan to offer and by sending the training materials for an audit to the EAC organisation.
  • The EAC organisation coordinates the work with job role-related committees that are doing the actual audit. The audit checks if the training material covers all skills units, learning elements, and performance criteria of the skills card as a minimum.


  • The training organisation applies for certification by sending copies of the certificates of at least one related trainer for an audit to the EAC organisation.


  • If in any of the below criteria a rating “poor” is done, this will be failure criteria for the training organisation acceptance.
  • Proven Training or Consulting Development Experience
  • Qualified Trainer Available
  • Solid training material (with a minimum use of three books as references)

